Ana Yturralde
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Valencia, Spain
Language Spanish

Ana is a Michael Newton Institute Life Between Lives® Certified Therapist, Past Life Regression and Akashic Records Therapist by Instituto de Kinesiología Eday and Ericksonian Hypnosis Psychotherapist by Instituto Erickson Madrid. Completed the Many Lives, Many Masters Advanced Course with Bryan Weiss. Also a lawyer, photographer and trascendental meditator, always motivated by artistic, spiritual and humanitarian issues. She offers Past Life and Life Between Lives® Regression sessions, helping clients to connect with their inner-self and understand our destiny as souls.
Hipnoterapeuta en Espacio Entre Vidas LBL®, Regresiones a Vidas Pasadas e Hipnosis Ericksoniana. Formación Muchas Vidas Muchos Maestros de Bryan Weiss. Abogada, fotógrafa y meditadora trascendental, siempre motivada por lo artístico, espiritual y humanitario. Ofrece sesiones de Regresiones a Vidas Pasadas y Vida Entre Vidas, ayudando a sus clientes a conectar con su yo interior y entender nuestro destino como almas
Primary Location
Valencia, Valencia/València, Spain
Other Locations
Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
Certified Life Between Lives® facilitator MNI
Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist
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