Dr. Michael Newton was a highly acclaimed international spiritual regressionist, who discovered how to enable people to access the wisdom of the spirit world and their higher guidance whilst living their lives.
Known as a pioneer of afterlife exploration, his dedicated research over 30 years mapped for us all insight into our Life Between Lives (LBL)® as presented in his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.
This knowledge has bought healing and renewed life purpose to over a million people from all walks of life. His work continues to touch the lives of individuals and communities all around the world, through the sharing of the spiritually transformative experiences of LBL wisdom, the Michael Newton Institutes® – LBL Training and the worldwide network of LBL Facilitators.

The story of Dr. Michael Newton and Life Between Lives
Dr. Michael Newton held a doctorate in Counselling Psychology, was a certified Master Hypnotherapist, and a member of the American Counselling Association. He was also a practicing Psychologist who held positions in the faculty of higher educational institutions as a teacher in Los Angeles. In his lifetime he also spent time as a corporate consultant, and worked as a behavioral counsellor and group therapy director for community mental health centers and spiritual renewal organisations in cooperation with hospital and social service agencies.
Michael had been skeptical about exploring the metaphysical, in fact, he originally refused repeatedly to undertake past life regression sessions which had become popular in the 50’s and 60’s, since Morey Berstein’s classic “The Search for Bridey Murphy” was published in 1956. Little did he know at that time what life held for him…
Even with his original skeptical nature towards past lives and a personal atheist belief structure, his developing deep trance work with clients in his mid adulthood lead him down a path of the accidental discovery of Life Between Lives (LBL) which was truly ground-breaking.
In the late 1960s, Michael treated a client for psychosomatic pain of the shoulder with traditional hypnotherapy. This man had sought hypnotherapy, having exhausted the medical model where they could find nothing wrong with him. In a deep trance state, Michael asked him to go to the source of his pain, assuming some form of unconsciousness trauma lay beneath the condition. The client landed in a scene from WW1 where he was being bayoneted in a trench during the Battle of the Somme. Michael asked all manner of questions about his unit, commanding officer and even the badges on his uniform, before desensitizing the pain and resolving the issue. The client went away bewildered, though healed. Michael, ever the researcher, wrote to the keepers of the War Records in London and confirmed the client’s story. It was a moment of deep significance and set him on the path.
In 1968, Michael had his first taste of the expanded LBL state, when he treated a woman with depression. Again taking her to the source of her pain, she naturally flipped into the afterlife, a period in between her past lives and met her soul group there. Her profound experience of loneliness that had catalyzed as her depression, was resolved after this reunion. She remembered in her LBL leaving her soul friends behind to learn independence.
The gate to the spiritual realm had opened…
From his discovery of the healing that could be facilitated through deep spiritual regression, he developed over many years his own intensive age regression technique to effectively take hypnosis subjects beyond their past life memories, to a more expanded and meaningful soul experience between lives.
Michael began to explore (using meticulous research), the afterlife through the eyes of his clients. It was to be over 25 years before Michael first shared his work with the world, having researched and assembled a model of the spiritual realm 7000 clients, spanning over 35 years. His journey towards these discoveries is further outlined in his best-selling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.
In an address to the members of the Institute in 2011, Michael summarized in the following statement:
“We want to bring a new form of personal spiritual awakening to an ever-expanding range of people around the globe. I see our mission as twofold. First, through training and supporting our practitioners and secondly, to foster public awareness of the benefits we are able to offer people seeking to uncover spiritual knowledge within their own minds. Our movement is designed to help human beings mentally become whole by connecting with the essence of Oneness in the life between lives and while in this life experiencing a transformational discovery of the true nature of their eternal soul within the matrix of a physical brain.
We were founded at the beginning of a new millennium. This was an auspicious time for an organization devoted to individual spiritual
development. Today, the earth is in an international crisis of nationalistic fundamentalism with militant states coupled with overpopulation around the world. Drug abuse is rampant where many wish to escape from the reality of their lives. I believe that much of the frustration of people living in a more stressful, technological and environmentally challenged world comes from not knowing their true identity of Self, or purpose. Many feel lost and disconnected. Our basic goal then is to help people move beyond the mindless strife in their physical existence to an inner peace through self-discovery.
As we approach the tenth year of our existence, The Newton Institute is gaining a wider influence in a world that is becoming more difficult for the individual. We live in a time when self-determination is being eroded by globalization, multi-nationalism and internationalism. This intensification of institutional power and control over an ever expanding population stifles empowerment of the individual. The focus of what we do is devoted to the individual seeking answers to the age old questions of: who am I, where do I come from, why am I here and where am I going?
Cultural antagonism between people that often involves superstitious dogma seems to be diminishing slowly and we should contribute to this change. Much that divides us spiritually would be further diminished by the knowledge that we all come from the same spiritual sphere and will return at the end of our lives to the same universal place of origin, regardless of who we are, where we live and what we do. A belief that a divine power greater than ourselves exists, without human disciples but with personal spirit guides, would bring greater harmony to society. The healing of each individual that experiences a spiritual framework of loving order will help others whom they touch in society. In this way our message will expand by the work we do.
For spiritual unity to take place we cannot depend on the methods of current religious practices on the one hand, or science on the other to bring answers to the great mystery of life. Our organization is pledged to offer a new way with enlightenment springing from the mind of each individual, regardless of their prior institutional belief system or lack of it. In the complex world of the 21 st century, people need the conviction more than ever that a divine universal consciousness exists within a pure spiritual order. They must discover this principle within their own minds for real conviction to take place. Eventually, if enough people come to this realization through our efforts, there will hopefully be a lessening of external conflict in our struggle for survival. The ethical compass of humanity would have a stronger meaning since it would come from personal enlightenment.
TNI (MNI)teaches that the core purpose of souls who come to earth in their incarnations is to bring love, compassion and understanding to others who cross their lives. This moral imperative is blended into our personal karmic purpose to improve life on earth by our being here. Defining individual identity through our hypnosis methodology helps people advance the level of their own energy. The realization of our universal divinity as united souls on earth, each with a conscious knowledge of Self and purpose, would allow for a more positive destiny in our future on this planet. The dissemination of these ideas will allow TNI to grow larger and more effective in the process of expanding our mission in the world.”
– Dr. Michael Newton, PhD, Founder MNI
Michael’s Books
Michael’s first book, Journey of Souls, was published by Llewellyn in May 1994; and Michael presented his work to the public for the first time right after publication, at the Book Exposition of America held in Los Angeles. From there book signings were organized; firstly, in California and over the next 8 years Michael travelled around the US, Canada, the UK and South Africa for book signings and presentations at New Age conferences.
Destiny of Souls was first published in 2000 and built even further momentum for his work. In 2001 the book was awarded ‘most outstanding metaphysical book of the year’ at the Book Exposition of America, which met in Chicago. Many of the publishers, book wholesalers and literary associations who voted named it ‘The Millennium Book’. This book was followed up by Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy in 2004. Michaels books have translated the word over into more than 40 languages, touching the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life with universal knowledge.
Michael was also proud to edit the book Memories of the Afterlife and he also engage his MNI team to write Little Book of Life Between Lives.
In gratitude for the sharing of his work with the world, the Institute released Wisdom of Souls in 2020.
Videos of Michael Discussing his LBL work
Michael spoke on video several times about his LBL work which you can view here.
After his first two books became best sellers, Michael was concerned that his work may be lost to the world after his passing. When he wrote Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy and released that in 2004, it was the start of the passing on to his legacy. He asked the next generation of Hypnotherapists to take his work to the next level.
This is the role of the members of MNI, our LBL Faciltators …
Michaels Sharing of his LBL work
In 1995, Michael’s work was featured in a Paramount Studios Television show called “Sightings”. This show featured Michael’s work involving two of his clients and was filmed at his home. It is estimated that some 9 Million people saw the initial show and the number more than doubled with subsequent re-runs.
A series of requested lectures for Hypnotherapists and Hypnosis enthusiasts also took Michael around the world, to organizations such as The College of Psychic Studies in London in the UK; the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences in Montreal Canada and Aquarius Rising Communications in Johannesburg South Africa. The audiences numbered around two thousand at these last two events, as Michael continued to stun the assembled groups with the breadth, depth and robustness of his work.
Back home in the USA, Michael also spoke as keynote at the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies (IARRT) Conference in 1996. In 2000 he delivered a lecture at Bastyr University and presented for the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) in Newport Beach, California.
Michael was contacted by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) in 1995, and in 1998 he was awarded their “Most Unique Contribution” Award and provided the keynote speech. Michaels work was also featured in the movie Flipside: My Journey into the Afterlife (2011).
LBL® Training and MNI
In September 2001 Michael gave his first long term (4 Day) LBL Training under NATH sponsorship. This was to be followed up with further trainings in September 2002 and September 2003. During this time and until the end of 2002, Michael also remained in active practice seeing clients. At the peak of his LBL practice he had a waiting list 3-4 years long.
In 2002 as Michael was moving into his 70’s, he realized that an organization was needed to support his work and help further his mission. He recognized the importance of the continuation of the work and wished to enable Life Between Lives experiences and knowledge, to be shared with the broader world into the future. This saw the birth of the Michael Newton Institute as it is known today. You can also read more about the development and History of the Michael Newton Institute.

He was conferred as a Chevalier of Honor by the Order of Constantine in recognition of his contribution to international education. Michael passed in September 2016, and in his final days, Michael summed up his life’s work simply as: “We have something to offer people in terms of personal meaning, that they can’t get elsewhere…”
To date the Michael Newton Institute has record of over 55,000 Life Between Lives sessions. LBL is now offered in over 40 countries around the world, in 25 languages, by over 200 trained LBL facilitators. Michaels books have also been republished in countless languages enabling the wisdom from the spirit world to reach and inspire many.
A Tribute to Dr. Michael Newton
Michael continued to be involved in the Institute until his passing in September 2016. His great contribution to the world was notable and he has left a wonderful legacy which the Institute continues to honor. You can view Peter Smith and the Institute’s tribute video to Dr. Michael Newton below.
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