Yihan Wu
Language Mandarin

Yihan Wu is an Integrative Energy Healing Therapist;
She is committed to Provide LBL Hypnotherapy; Past-Life Regression and Integrate other Energy healing methods to awakening the True Nature of each clients, with the tenderness manner to bring different dimension perspective into the clients afterwards , to reboot the Life Energy of True Strength & Love .
She is very enjoy every moment of the Hypnotherapy , Specializing in reconnect the Soul Mission of each clients, find the gifts of life! In the meantime, with the resonant the beautiful frequency of each clients, there are a lots of compassion happened and she also experienced the un-condition deeper love in every moment ………
• Be grateful for every time we see each other….. my dear friends……..
Primary Location
Beijing, China
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
LBL Facilitator
Living Light Energy Facilitator
Portals of Consciousness Practitioner
Other Specialisations
12 Gateways system Practitioner
Human Design Practitioner
Acasma(AQE)quantum Energy Practitioner
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