Danijela Gajic
Life Between Life Facilitator® in Serbia
Language Serbian

Danijela Gajic is the Founder and Director of Gadami Institute, where she researches and facilitates different healing modalities.
She implements in her work the latest research in quantum physics and transpersonal psychology, together with wisdom from ancient traditions and spirituality. She is interested in new methods for evolving of consciousness. Her goal is to shift the borders of understanding the human consciousness and its potentials, by blending science and spirituality.
The healing, transformational and evolutionary potentials of LBL experiences are the focus of her work. She helps her clients to make an inner transformation and to raise to a new level of consciousness.
She is certified by the IACT ( International Association of Counselors and Therapists ).
Dr. Gajic regularly presents her work at various scientific conferences.
Certified Life Between Lives® Facilitator
Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, New York
Certified Hypnotherapist, CHt, IACT
Other Specialisations
Certified Memento Processor
Certified Reconnective Healing Therapist
Certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master & Homeopath
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