Dr. Dorothea Fuckert, MD
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in 69429 Waldbrunn, Baden-Württemberg (in the square Frankfurt-Heidelberg-Stuttgart-Würzburg)
Language German

Practicing since 1978 as MD, board certified in family medicine and licensed psychotherapy, spiritual teacher, international speaker, author of SEELENREISE (German) and SOUL LIGHT. OUR DIVINE PURPOSE REVEALED ON 2000 AFTERLIFE JOURNEYS. numerous papers in professional journals and co-author of two LBL books (MNI). Professional trainings and expertise: Depth Psychology, Reichian Character Analysis and Orgone Therapy (psychophysical de-armoring), Hypnotherapy, Trauma Therapy, Inner Child and Parts Work, Energy Psychology, Chakra Healing and Spiritual Heart Balance. 2007, my main passion became LBL® Spiritual Regression, serving the Michael Newton Institute as mentor, alliance instructor, assistant teacher and columnist 'From the Doctor’s Desk' for ‘Stories of the Afterlife’. My presentations about LBL are on YouTube, Gaia-TV and Podcasts with Oliver Tappe. My calling is to ensoul: helping people in unfolding their Divine gifts, living their Greater Self and fulfilling their life purpose
Primary Location
Waldbrunn, Germany
Other Locations
Wien, Austria
Zürich, Switzerland
Paris (LBL en Anglais; langage courant en Francais), France
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face
Since 1978 MD + Licensed Psychotherapist
Depth Psychology, Trauma, Orgone Therapy (IOS)
Since 2007 Life Between Lives® Soul Journeys (MNI)
Other Specialisations
Spiritual Heart Balance, Chakra Healing
Inner Child Work, Energy Psychology
Hypnotherapy (MEG), Past Life Regression
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition Regular Feature 'From the Doctor's Desk'
Wisdom of Souls Contributor
Memories of the Afterlife Contributor
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