Gretchen Oehler Hogg
Language English

Gretchen Oehler Hogg, RN, BSN, CCHt, has been privileged to study with many leading visionaries, spiritual teachers, and sages of our times. Her lifetime studies and harvested wisdom, has fueled her passion in wanting to assist people to achieve optimal health and wellness in mind, body and spirit.
After a rewarding 30-year nursing career, Gretchen attained certifications as a Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHt), Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist, Soulkey® Therapist, Master Soul Coaching® and ThetaHealing® Practitioner, and Reiki Master, along with numerous other modalities that she incorporates in her skillset. Additionally, her continuing intrigue and love of plant medicine has led to even higher success and break-throughs with clients while utilizing Aromatherapy to create powerful shifts and transformations.
LBL Certified
Master Soul Coach
Other Specialisations
Reiki Master
ThetaHealing® Practitioner
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