Jimmy Quast
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Easton, Maryland
Language English

Jimmy E. Quast has been a practicing hypnotherapist since 1993, when he started practice in the U.S. Virgin Islands, working in a standard medical office with 2 physicians and a nurse practitioner. His successful interventions with "difficult-to-treat" (frequently labeled "incurable") conditions is well documented by that medical staff. In 2002 Jimmy launched his current practice in Easton, Maryland, USA.
Jimmy is a lead instructor for the Newton Institute. During the early years of the organization, Jimmy worked directly with Dr. Newton as a teaching/training assistant. He also served as the institute's certification officer for 5 years.
Jimmy specializes in helping clients reach genuine soul-level resolution of long-term illogical, problematic emotions, including fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, and low self-esteem. Jimmy particularly enjoys helping each of his clients to form a close and warm relationship with his or her own immortal Self.
Bachellors degree from N.C. State University
Doc. degree Clinical Hypnotherapy, Am. Institute
Numerous certifications, other hyp. organizations
Other Specialisations
Time Line Hypnotherapy for Problematic Emotions
Past-Life & Between Lives Regression Therapy
Negative Habit Cessation
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition
Memories of the Afterlife Contributor
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