Nancy Hajek
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Nashville, Tennessee
Language English

Dream Lodge is my practice in Nashville, Tn; offering clinical hypnotherapy, past life regression and life between lives regression. I've been in the same beautiful office since 2003, nestled in a wellness center filled with healers and helpers, and just a stone's throw away from Centennial Park and Vanderbilt University.
The urge to understand life and to experience the heavens has been with me for as long as I can remember. Practicing disciplines in consciousness began in my twenties, and has shaped my life's work ever since. I studied with Micheal Newton in 2002, and was inspired not only to offer life between lives regression in my practice, but to make sure that past life regression clients were guided through death and to the gateway, and given the opportunity to meet their guide and begin the conversation.
Regression is an extraordinary process, opening a client's memory of who they truly are, and to the overwhelming love that pours out to them from the worlds within.
Published LBL® Cases
Memories of the Afterlife Contributor
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