Peter Wright
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Santa Barbara, California
Language English

With my 25 years of experience as a Hypnotherapist, my unique approach can produce significant results for you — often in just one two-hour session in person, by phone, Zoom or Skype.
Using the deep transformative power of hypnosis, I guide you into the 5th Dimension where you can access all possibilities in your life.
I help you connect with your Higher Self, your Heart, your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and Loved Ones who join us from the Non-Physical Realm. They partner with us as your Inner Wisdom Team that knows everything about your current life and your past lives.
We invite them to take us back to the source of the issues you’re seeking to resolve and help us quickly release the blockages that are keeping you stuck.
I then ask you to imagine and go to a Sanctuary where you can reconnect with your Inner Wisdom Team. By returning to this Sanctuary daily or whenever you choose, you can get answers you can trust from your Inner Wisdom Team about next steps in your life.
Board-certified Past-Life Regression Therapist
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Other Specialisations
Spirit Releasement
Connect you to your Higher Self and other Guidance
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