Rita Borenstein
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Knivsta, Uppsala
Language Swedish

Since 2013 Rita has facilitated LBL sessions in Sweden. Her practice is located in the countryside about an hour´s drive north of Stockholm and half an hour's drive south of Uppsala. Rita has published three books about LBL in Swedish: "Själens resa hem – Möt din själ i livet mellan liven","Min själ är en diamant – Låt mitt sanna jag lysa" and "Reningsbad för själen". Two of her books about LBL are available in English: "To soul home and back – About Life between Lives Hypnotherapy for spiritual regression" and "My soul is a diamond – Let my true light shine."
Rita who is also a reg. nurse and Osteopath D.O. served as MNI Certification Mentor Coordinator for many years. She has also served as Director of Membership in the Michael Newton Institute Board of Directors.
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition May 2019
Wisdom of Souls Contributor
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