Sally Stone
Past Life and Life Between Lives Facilitator
Language English

It’s my honor to facilitate your PLR and LBL sessions. Email drsstone@me.com for a complimentary consultation. We’ll discuss your interest and explore our compatibility for working together.
Following a series of powerful near-death experiences, an LBL helped integrate my experiences of the Spirit World. That LBL brought me into service of this profound work. Many sensitive people with deep experiences hide stories about themselves, their spiritual lives. It’s my passion to facilitate your journey toward unfolding Soul purpose and gifts of Spirit.
Before joining the hypnotherapy profession in 2013, I was a K-college educator and children’s yoga teacher for 24 years. Also… spontaneous kundalini awakening, 2 NDEs, 2 SDEs, restorative yoga teacher, nature photographer, and deep love for my spiritual teachers.
Golden Words®: Changing Your Life One Word at a Time;
Golden Words® Journal;
I Am a Butterfly (Picture Book)
Primary Location
Northbrook, Illinois, United States
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist
Certified Life Between Lives®️ Facilitator
National Guild of Hypnotists, Wellness Institute
Other Specialisations
200 hour yoga teacher-restorative, children's yoga
Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Doctorate in Education
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition
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