Savarna Wiley
Life Between Lives® Facilitator in Aptos, California
Language English

It is a joy to do this work.
I have served The Newton Institute as Board Member, Conference Presenter and LBL Instructor. Since the 1970s I have trained in traditional and alternative methods of healing, always looking to the deeper questions of life. What is important? What is lasting? What brings true empowerment? I find that LBL offers profound guidance and healing. In these times of much global change, the perspective that LBL can give is more important than ever. With a light heart and some humor in the mix, I enjoy working with my clients to learn about life, love and purpose.
Primary Location
Aptos ( near Santa Cruz), California, United States
Other Locations
Mt Shasta, California, United States
Ashland, Oregon, United States
Kihei, Maui / Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaii, United States
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
MA Psychology SSU BA Art Therapy UCSC
Clinical Hypnotherapist /Master NLP Practitioner
Medical Hypnotherapy/Generative Trance
Other Specialisations
Hospice Chaplain End-of-Life Educator/Consultant
Holistic Health Educator Somatic Therapist
Spiritual Practitioner ( Agape Tradition)
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition Regular contributor - all issues.
Wisdom of Souls Contributor
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