Rifa Hodgson
Life Between Lives® Facilitator (2005) in Vancouver and Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Language English

For the past 40 years I have been assisting people to transform their lives, first as a teacher in Moscow and now as a LBL® facilitator.
Rifa merges logic with wisdom, reason with mystery, the mundane and the spiritual to achieve balance, clarity and a sense of the Inner Success.
In her practice “Adventure into Time and Beyond” she combines a deep, profound work with and an element of Adventure.
Я специализируюсь в областях:
Духовной Реинкарнативной Регрессии, ЛБЛ™
Пренатальной- Регрессии во внутриутробное состояние и текущую жизнь. Необъяснимое Бесплодие,
Хроники Акаши.
Для контакта используйте емейл: rifa.lbl@gmail.com Через мой сайт много запросов не доходят или блокируются.
Advance Past Life Regression Therapy-Henry Bolduc
Life Between Lives® Spiritual Hypnotherapy - 2005
B.Ed/Mus. Moscow Pedagogical University
Other Specialisations
Hypno-Fertility Therapy-Unexplainable Infertility
Heart Resonance Therapy- Master practitioner
Hypnosis Master Trainer- (IACT)
Published LBL® Cases
Stories of the Afterlife Journal Edition Issue #1
Memories of the Afterlife Contributor
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