Triona Sheeran
Language English

Majority of my clients looking for an LBL session want to know their soul purpose – who are they as a soul being and why re they here in this incarnation. LBL is an incredible way to discover all of these and more, by accessing those memories, meeting your council and guides and even seeing how your soul contracts were written. it can be profoundly healing and always life changing. I have been working with the mind, energy and clients for over eight years now and my passion is exploring the afterlife, consciousness and connecting all that within a sense of balance and clarity.
I am based in Ireland and work around the world as well as online with international; clients in various modalities I offer.
If you feel this resonates with you message for a chat about how LBL session can help you.
Offering online via zoom or in person sessions . Three times a year I also work in USA please message for enquiries and dates .
Primary Location
Greystones , Co wicklow,, Ireland
Other Locations
New York and LA, United States
LBL® Delivery
Face to Face & Online
hypnotherapist ,nd Trainer in Past Life Regression
QHHT level 3 practitioner
Therapist and Spiritual Mentoring
Other Specialisations
Trauma Release and regression therapist
Teaching Channelling
Science and IT
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